Yoga with Kim

Stay fit & calm

이 웹사이트는 독일에서 활동 중인 프리랜서 웹디자이너 Designban이 제작한 샘플 사이트입니다. 궁금한 점이 있으시면 제 홈페이지를 방문하여 문의글을 남겨주시면 빠른 시일 내에 답변해 드리겠습니다


About me – Emma Kim

저는 2년의 강사경력을 가진 Emma Kim 입니다. 한국에서 왔으며 현재 독일 베를린에 거주하고 있습니다. 저는 4년 전에 국제 요가강사 자격증을 취득했으며 영어와 일본어를 구사할 수 있습니다. 또한 400만 명이 넘는 구독자를 보유한 온라인 커뮤니티 YouTube 채널 Yoga With Kim을 운영하고 있습니다.

Why Yoga with Kim?

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몸의 유연성 개선

Topping lemon drops apple pie wafer sweet powder danish.

신체 에너지 증가

Topping lemon drops apple pie wafer sweet powder danish.

체중 감량 효과

Topping lemon drops apple pie wafer sweet powder danish.

스트레스 해소

Topping lemon drops apple pie wafer sweet powder danish.

Our Classes

Join Early. FIrst Come First Served.

Yoga A

Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with postures, or asanas, that are held for longer periods of time.

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Yoga B

Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with postures, or asanas, that are held for longer periods of time.

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Yoga C

Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with postures, or asanas, that are held for longer periods of time.

Register Now


Join Early. FIrst Come First Served.






Yoga Beginner



Yoga Beginner



Yoga Beginner



Yoga Beginner



Yoga Beginner



Yoga Beginner

contact today

!! An den gesetzlichen Feiertagen bleibt das Studio geschlossen. Außnahmen aufgrund von Specials werden hier auf der Homepage oder auf Facebook/Instagram bekannt gegeben.

See How Students Do

See how Students do

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Join Early. FIrst Come First Served.

Private Lesson

€ 39

1-on-1 Training

Special Care

1Yoga Mat provided

Special Moves

Sound Session

Private Lesson

€ 49

1-on-1 Training

Special Care

1Yoga Mat provided

Special Moves

Sound Session

Private Lesson

€ 59

1-on-1 Training

Special Care

1Yoga Mat provided

Special Moves

Sound Session


Contact us and get your seats booked today. This will be
your once in a lifetime experience for sure.